Saturday, July 23, 2011

San Diego 1.0

Well, we finally arrived in Flagstaff. Sitting in a car for twelve hours wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was still fun to be able to hang out with friends on the way. Hopefully everyone gets a good night sleep, and we will be in San Diego sometime tomorrow.

Tristan Robertson
Grade 9

Travelers circle for prayer before dinner in Flagstaff, AZ

We had a long drive to Arizona. I'm so happy we are here. we are having lots of fun!!!

Tiara grade 7

At long last we are here!!! We had such a fun drive. Thanks for letting me go to San Diego! I love it here!To my family... I miss and LOVE  you all!!! Another long drive tomorrow. First work thing tomorrow as well.

Starr Grade 7

Finally! After a crazy long drive, we' long last, at the church in Flagstaff, AZ. So far it has been a lot of fun. Nobody died or was severely injured, which was lovely. Anyway, the church is awesome and we have already played a basketball game, eaten unhealthy fast food, and gotten to know each other so basically it has been completely amazing. We're all excited for tomorrow.

Nate, Grade 8
P.S. Mom, I wore my seat belt.  Just so you know.

Girl's Room in Flagstaff Church
It was a long day in the car with many bathroom breaks... having loads of fun! Well toodles!
Gotta go to Bed!!!

Kate Walker The Best 8th Grader EVER!!!

Some of the girls just couldn't wait until Monday to take a shower.
Holly, Anna, and Sydney taking a "spit bath"


Janine Robertson said...

Very good to hear everyone got to Flagstaff safe and sound and that you are having a great time. Praying for your safety as you make your way the rest of the way to San Diego. Love to all the kids and adults!

Barbara Bennett said...

Way to go, Nate, with the seat belt! You are such a trend setter! I'm proud of you!
luv mum :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear of safe travels and fun being had. Hope the trip to San Diego went well and that you are all settled in and ready to spread Christ's love to the people of San Diego. God Speed.
The Borst
ps...Josh we love you!

Ted Broadfield said...

Please tell Will and Maggie that Nana & Papa love them too and will be anxious to hear all about their experiences.