Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rapid City - 1

Saturday, June 20 is our Pack & Pray then we meet and leave on Sunday morning at 8am. I (Katie Harris) spoke with our YouthWorks site coordinator this morning and it sounds like we have a lot of challenging and stretching experiences ahead of us. We will be seperated into several crews, some people will stay at a site for an entire week and others will rotate to different experiences. It sounds like we will have a lot of students hanging out at nursing homes helping, hanging out, singing, and maybe even painting fingernails! Some students might end up working in a boys' ministry all week playing games and hanging out. Others could be assisting the mentally and physically challenged with arts and crafts or helping them with some micro enterprises.

On the fun side, I have confirmed that we will be visiting Mt. Rushmore on Monday evening, treated to a live performance from members of the Lakota tribe on Tuesday, a picnic in the park on Wednesday, and a community cook out at the church on Thursday.

It's going to be a busy week! I can't wait!

Katie Harris, Middle School Associate

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