Monday, June 22, 2009

New Orleans - 9

Hey everyone today the Gumbo after we ate breakfast all went down to the Lower Ninth Ward and hooked up with an organization called NENA which is an organization that works down in the neighborhood helping people getting people get back on their feet after the Hurricane. Some of the work we did today included cleaning debris from her yard which included trash and a broken down shed. Then we had to shop down weeds in the yard that were at least eight feet tall. Unfortunately while i was working on chopping down the weeds i was stung by a wasp twice on both of my legs which is funny cause i am alergic to them. After i got stung i took some alergy medicine and was fine but just out of it the rest of the day. After we were done working on the yard we left the Ninth Ward and went back to the church where we had a soccer camp that only two kids showed up for. It was fun because we just played soccer with these two kids for two hours and the kids ended up having a great time. tonight we ate dinner at the church and then went and took a tour of the city.
Buzzy Obenauf


Anonymous said...

So sorry about the wasps! Glad you are having fun.
-Kim Stratman

Anonymous said...

(This has nothing to do with the trip)
Tell Nate.....
Ruthie has gone potty 3 times today. She has gotten 2 SMARTIES each time for going! What a big girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Woooo HOOOOOO Ruthie!!!
I'm sure everyone is enjoying our potty conversation online!!!
Although, once that girl gets out of diapers we will save some serious DOUGH!!!
