The 4 vans and 38 tired travelers (30 kids and 8 adult co-leaders) left Flagstaff, AZ at 8am PDT and made it back safely to First Pres Colorado Springs' Weber Street Center about 9:40pm MDT. (Note: 3 kids traveled home with parents or other relatives separate from the large group)
First Pres students and leaders circle up at Christ's Church of Flagstaff for an early breakfast prayer before enjoying grab and go breakfast.

The 4 vans are packed and lined up ready to depart from Flagstaff, AZ
At Christ's Church in Flagstaff during breakfast, travelers review a large wall map of the travel route from San Diego to Colorado Springs
Vans arrived in Colorado Springs and fueled up. All travelers helped clean their team's original themed window paint. Above from the left are Kelsey (co-leader), Will Tibbitt, Collin (co-leader), Suzanne Goodale, and Tristan Robertson.
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