Robyn Camera
7th grade
Robyn completes her blog at the computer in Flagstaff, AZ
Well, we are back in Flagstaff, Arizona again on our way home...San Diego was a great trip! I had a great experience. We've been talking about being different in a way that God wants us to. I had a lot of good experiences but the most memorable one took place last night. We did footwashing like Jesus did to his sounds a little wierd at first but then one of our leaders read a scripture in which Jesus washed Peter's feet. One of our leaders, Kelsey washed my feet and prayed for me and it touched my heart. THANKS KELSEY!!! After that, we had small group time and we went around the circle and each person talked about something personal or something unique about you. I cried a little small group leader was Collin Grant and I think he is an awesome leader! Throughout the trip, I realized how important God is in my life. I never really paid attention to that as much as I should have. It was very sad when we had to leave. I don't want to forget a single second of this trip. I made many memories and will never forget the people I met. well I have to go! Love and miss u family! And u too sherina!:)
Tiara Heitman
Grade 7
Hi there!!! Going to San Diego was an aammaazziinngg experience. After devotions in the morning, my group and I went to a Senior Center. The people at the Senior Center LOVED playing bingo. Not joking. I'm estimating that we played about 9 hours of bingo during the four days we went. Then after the Senior Center, we went to a place called Special Delivery. At Special Delivery, we packaged food for people with life threatening diseases who can't leaver their homes like you and I can. All of the people that work there are volunteers (in other words, they don't get paid to work there, they choose to work there). Another thing that I loved about being in San Diego is the... Palm Trees!!! I've hugged about 10 of them while I was there.
Brooke Martin
8th grade
Hello there everybody!!! San Diego was awesome and such an amazing experience. I loved every minute of it. It was wonderful. We talked about how Jesus was the Lord of the universe and how he got down on his knees to wash his disciples' feet. The leaders went around a circle and washed our feet and then would say a special prayer for each of us. I bawled because of mixed emotions such as: happiness, sadness, amazement, and it was just such an amazing experience. Oh... I cried for soooo long. It was kind of funny because I didn't really know exactly why I was crying. I felt really special. This trip has changed me in so many ways. I learned that I should serve others before myself. I love bringing joy to others. It's a magnificent feeling. I miss the really nice lady named Arline from the Adult Nutrition Center. She was soooooooo sweet. I very much enjoyed every minute of this trip for different reasons. I miss everyone and will see you all tomorrow! Got to go play games! TTFN....... P.S. I love you Mommy, Daddy, Taryn, and Savannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starr Samkus
7th grade
Tiara (left), Starr (center) and Brooke (right) hang together at the overnight stop at Christ's Church of Flagstaff, AZ enjoying blogging about the San Diego trip
Wow! This has been an absolutely amazing week!! Looking back I have enjoyed every minute of it. It was a definately a different experience this year from my past two years. In the morning, I worked at a Soup Kitchen that was called St. Vincent's and it was amazing! Over one thousand homeless people live there and the leaders try to help improve their lives. Working and serving all those people that need help was an eye-opener for me on how lucky I am to have a home and a nice and warm bed. I realized how much I take for granted in life and when I get home I will definately change that. In the afternoons, my group went to a place called Catholic Charities which is a food bank that gives out food to people that need it. It was fun to put together the meals as well as grocery bags full of food for the people. This trip has been amazing and last night we were able to have our feet washed by our leaders. While I was getting my feet washed, I realized that no matter how clean we are, our feet will always be dirty. It reminded me of sin and how no matter how much we repent from our sins we will still sin more, but we need Jesus in order to clean our feet.
This week has definately changed my view on the world because there are many people out there that need help, but who is there to step up and help? When I get home, I am going to try to find a way to get more involved in my community. This trip was phenominal and as a last trip with middle school, I am so glad I came!
Suzanne Goodale
9th Grade
Grade 7
This week has really been an amazing experience. My crew and I worked at an Adult Health Day Center in the morning and a lot of the elderly people had great personalities and were a lot of fun. Old people officially have the ability to crack me up, because I find it awesome that they still make random jokes and make fun of each other. One of the favorite people that I met was a woman named Deliah and she and her best friends were always laughing and they were just fun to be around. I also met a 104-year-old man who was a World War II veteran and had really cool stories about the War that were fun to listen to. After that, on the first day we went to Balboa Park because the place we were supposed to go after lunch was closed on Monday. We walked around the park (which was supercool) and picked up trash and handed out hygiene packets to homeless people.
One of the craziest things we did this week was have a more-than-2-hours talk with a homeless person named Linda. She had really interesting stories and it gave us a lot of insight into the true lives of homeless people, which are usually stereotyped and confused. For the rest of the week, we went to Catholic Charities, which was a sort of food bank for families who aren't able to get enough food. Maggie (Tibbitt) and I started to really get the hang of the place and soon we had a system figured out that let us fill orders in seconds! It was completely mental. Anyway, there were also a lot of great volunteers that were friendly and welcomed us happily to the ministry.
On the last night- wait, hang on...random note: we went to the beach, which was awesome and the pizza was delicious. Sorry. On the last night, we had our church leaders wash our feet like Jesus did to his disciples. It was really an inspiring opportunity. After that, the leaders prayed for us individually and I had a powerful moment with God and I felt like he was trying to tell me how he wanted me to continue to live my life. Ooookkkk I got really carried away and the people watching me here are giving me death threats because I'm taking too long to write this blog. It was an amazing first Youthworks trip and I hope I can do more in the future. See you all tomorrow!
Nate Bennett
Grade 8
Can't blog right now ... play'n poker
Josh Borst
8th Grade
Hi this is Zachary. I've had alot of fun. bye
Zach Reddish
7th grade
Maggie Tibbitt reads her Bible during the morning devotionals "Devos" at New Life Assembly Church in San Diego
Collin Grant and Tristan Robertson enjoy the lunch break
Travelers play games (Salad Bowl organized by FPC co-leaders Stephannie Finley and poker organized randomly--no real betting) at Christ's Church in Flagstaff, AZ before overnighting and departure to Colorado Springs early in the morning.
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