Saturday, July 30, 2011
San Diego - 8 Evening
Friday, July 29, 2011
San Diego - 7 Evening
Heyyyyyyy mom. Tara and I r doing just fine..........well tara is. =) c u at 10pm tomorrow night or maybe earlier depending on traffic. We r just sitten around and hang'n do'n stuff. ok bi
Robyn Camera
7th grade
Robyn completes her blog at the computer in Flagstaff, AZ
Well, we are back in Flagstaff, Arizona again on our way home...San Diego was a great trip! I had a great experience. We've been talking about being different in a way that God wants us to. I had a lot of good experiences but the most memorable one took place last night. We did footwashing like Jesus did to his sounds a little wierd at first but then one of our leaders read a scripture in which Jesus washed Peter's feet. One of our leaders, Kelsey washed my feet and prayed for me and it touched my heart. THANKS KELSEY!!! After that, we had small group time and we went around the circle and each person talked about something personal or something unique about you. I cried a little small group leader was Collin Grant and I think he is an awesome leader! Throughout the trip, I realized how important God is in my life. I never really paid attention to that as much as I should have. It was very sad when we had to leave. I don't want to forget a single second of this trip. I made many memories and will never forget the people I met. well I have to go! Love and miss u family! And u too sherina!:)
Tiara Heitman
Grade 7
Hi there!!! Going to San Diego was an aammaazziinngg experience. After devotions in the morning, my group and I went to a Senior Center. The people at the Senior Center LOVED playing bingo. Not joking. I'm estimating that we played about 9 hours of bingo during the four days we went. Then after the Senior Center, we went to a place called Special Delivery. At Special Delivery, we packaged food for people with life threatening diseases who can't leaver their homes like you and I can. All of the people that work there are volunteers (in other words, they don't get paid to work there, they choose to work there). Another thing that I loved about being in San Diego is the... Palm Trees!!! I've hugged about 10 of them while I was there.
Brooke Martin
8th grade
Hello there everybody!!! San Diego was awesome and such an amazing experience. I loved every minute of it. It was wonderful. We talked about how Jesus was the Lord of the universe and how he got down on his knees to wash his disciples' feet. The leaders went around a circle and washed our feet and then would say a special prayer for each of us. I bawled because of mixed emotions such as: happiness, sadness, amazement, and it was just such an amazing experience. Oh... I cried for soooo long. It was kind of funny because I didn't really know exactly why I was crying. I felt really special. This trip has changed me in so many ways. I learned that I should serve others before myself. I love bringing joy to others. It's a magnificent feeling. I miss the really nice lady named Arline from the Adult Nutrition Center. She was soooooooo sweet. I very much enjoyed every minute of this trip for different reasons. I miss everyone and will see you all tomorrow! Got to go play games! TTFN....... P.S. I love you Mommy, Daddy, Taryn, and Savannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starr Samkus
7th grade
Tiara (left), Starr (center) and Brooke (right) hang together at the overnight stop at Christ's Church of Flagstaff, AZ enjoying blogging about the San Diego trip
Wow! This has been an absolutely amazing week!! Looking back I have enjoyed every minute of it. It was a definately a different experience this year from my past two years. In the morning, I worked at a Soup Kitchen that was called St. Vincent's and it was amazing! Over one thousand homeless people live there and the leaders try to help improve their lives. Working and serving all those people that need help was an eye-opener for me on how lucky I am to have a home and a nice and warm bed. I realized how much I take for granted in life and when I get home I will definately change that. In the afternoons, my group went to a place called Catholic Charities which is a food bank that gives out food to people that need it. It was fun to put together the meals as well as grocery bags full of food for the people. This trip has been amazing and last night we were able to have our feet washed by our leaders. While I was getting my feet washed, I realized that no matter how clean we are, our feet will always be dirty. It reminded me of sin and how no matter how much we repent from our sins we will still sin more, but we need Jesus in order to clean our feet.
This week has definately changed my view on the world because there are many people out there that need help, but who is there to step up and help? When I get home, I am going to try to find a way to get more involved in my community. This trip was phenominal and as a last trip with middle school, I am so glad I came!
Suzanne Goodale
9th Grade
Grade 7
This week has really been an amazing experience. My crew and I worked at an Adult Health Day Center in the morning and a lot of the elderly people had great personalities and were a lot of fun. Old people officially have the ability to crack me up, because I find it awesome that they still make random jokes and make fun of each other. One of the favorite people that I met was a woman named Deliah and she and her best friends were always laughing and they were just fun to be around. I also met a 104-year-old man who was a World War II veteran and had really cool stories about the War that were fun to listen to. After that, on the first day we went to Balboa Park because the place we were supposed to go after lunch was closed on Monday. We walked around the park (which was supercool) and picked up trash and handed out hygiene packets to homeless people.
One of the craziest things we did this week was have a more-than-2-hours talk with a homeless person named Linda. She had really interesting stories and it gave us a lot of insight into the true lives of homeless people, which are usually stereotyped and confused. For the rest of the week, we went to Catholic Charities, which was a sort of food bank for families who aren't able to get enough food. Maggie (Tibbitt) and I started to really get the hang of the place and soon we had a system figured out that let us fill orders in seconds! It was completely mental. Anyway, there were also a lot of great volunteers that were friendly and welcomed us happily to the ministry.
On the last night- wait, hang on...random note: we went to the beach, which was awesome and the pizza was delicious. Sorry. On the last night, we had our church leaders wash our feet like Jesus did to his disciples. It was really an inspiring opportunity. After that, the leaders prayed for us individually and I had a powerful moment with God and I felt like he was trying to tell me how he wanted me to continue to live my life. Ooookkkk I got really carried away and the people watching me here are giving me death threats because I'm taking too long to write this blog. It was an amazing first Youthworks trip and I hope I can do more in the future. See you all tomorrow!
Nate Bennett
Grade 8
Titus (left), Nate (center), and Suzanne (right) sitting by the computer after they finished a four square game at Christ's Church of Flagstaff preparing to blog
Can't blog right now ... play'n poker
Josh Borst
8th Grade
Hi this is Zachary. I've had alot of fun. bye
Zach Reddish
7th grade

Maggie Tibbitt reads her Bible during the morning devotionals "Devos" at New Life Assembly Church in San Diego
Yuma Arizona lunch stop 7-29-11

Collin Grant and Tristan Robertson enjoy the lunch break

Travelers play games (Salad Bowl organized by FPC co-leaders Stephannie Finley and poker organized randomly--no real betting) at Christ's Church in Flagstaff, AZ before overnighting and departure to Colorado Springs early in the morning.
Robyn Camera
7th grade
Robyn completes her blog at the computer in Flagstaff, AZ
Well, we are back in Flagstaff, Arizona again on our way home...San Diego was a great trip! I had a great experience. We've been talking about being different in a way that God wants us to. I had a lot of good experiences but the most memorable one took place last night. We did footwashing like Jesus did to his sounds a little wierd at first but then one of our leaders read a scripture in which Jesus washed Peter's feet. One of our leaders, Kelsey washed my feet and prayed for me and it touched my heart. THANKS KELSEY!!! After that, we had small group time and we went around the circle and each person talked about something personal or something unique about you. I cried a little small group leader was Collin Grant and I think he is an awesome leader! Throughout the trip, I realized how important God is in my life. I never really paid attention to that as much as I should have. It was very sad when we had to leave. I don't want to forget a single second of this trip. I made many memories and will never forget the people I met. well I have to go! Love and miss u family! And u too sherina!:)
Tiara Heitman
Grade 7
Hi there!!! Going to San Diego was an aammaazziinngg experience. After devotions in the morning, my group and I went to a Senior Center. The people at the Senior Center LOVED playing bingo. Not joking. I'm estimating that we played about 9 hours of bingo during the four days we went. Then after the Senior Center, we went to a place called Special Delivery. At Special Delivery, we packaged food for people with life threatening diseases who can't leaver their homes like you and I can. All of the people that work there are volunteers (in other words, they don't get paid to work there, they choose to work there). Another thing that I loved about being in San Diego is the... Palm Trees!!! I've hugged about 10 of them while I was there.
Brooke Martin
8th grade
Hello there everybody!!! San Diego was awesome and such an amazing experience. I loved every minute of it. It was wonderful. We talked about how Jesus was the Lord of the universe and how he got down on his knees to wash his disciples' feet. The leaders went around a circle and washed our feet and then would say a special prayer for each of us. I bawled because of mixed emotions such as: happiness, sadness, amazement, and it was just such an amazing experience. Oh... I cried for soooo long. It was kind of funny because I didn't really know exactly why I was crying. I felt really special. This trip has changed me in so many ways. I learned that I should serve others before myself. I love bringing joy to others. It's a magnificent feeling. I miss the really nice lady named Arline from the Adult Nutrition Center. She was soooooooo sweet. I very much enjoyed every minute of this trip for different reasons. I miss everyone and will see you all tomorrow! Got to go play games! TTFN....... P.S. I love you Mommy, Daddy, Taryn, and Savannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starr Samkus
7th grade
Tiara (left), Starr (center) and Brooke (right) hang together at the overnight stop at Christ's Church of Flagstaff, AZ enjoying blogging about the San Diego trip
Wow! This has been an absolutely amazing week!! Looking back I have enjoyed every minute of it. It was a definately a different experience this year from my past two years. In the morning, I worked at a Soup Kitchen that was called St. Vincent's and it was amazing! Over one thousand homeless people live there and the leaders try to help improve their lives. Working and serving all those people that need help was an eye-opener for me on how lucky I am to have a home and a nice and warm bed. I realized how much I take for granted in life and when I get home I will definately change that. In the afternoons, my group went to a place called Catholic Charities which is a food bank that gives out food to people that need it. It was fun to put together the meals as well as grocery bags full of food for the people. This trip has been amazing and last night we were able to have our feet washed by our leaders. While I was getting my feet washed, I realized that no matter how clean we are, our feet will always be dirty. It reminded me of sin and how no matter how much we repent from our sins we will still sin more, but we need Jesus in order to clean our feet.
This week has definately changed my view on the world because there are many people out there that need help, but who is there to step up and help? When I get home, I am going to try to find a way to get more involved in my community. This trip was phenominal and as a last trip with middle school, I am so glad I came!
Suzanne Goodale
9th Grade
Grade 7
This week has really been an amazing experience. My crew and I worked at an Adult Health Day Center in the morning and a lot of the elderly people had great personalities and were a lot of fun. Old people officially have the ability to crack me up, because I find it awesome that they still make random jokes and make fun of each other. One of the favorite people that I met was a woman named Deliah and she and her best friends were always laughing and they were just fun to be around. I also met a 104-year-old man who was a World War II veteran and had really cool stories about the War that were fun to listen to. After that, on the first day we went to Balboa Park because the place we were supposed to go after lunch was closed on Monday. We walked around the park (which was supercool) and picked up trash and handed out hygiene packets to homeless people.
One of the craziest things we did this week was have a more-than-2-hours talk with a homeless person named Linda. She had really interesting stories and it gave us a lot of insight into the true lives of homeless people, which are usually stereotyped and confused. For the rest of the week, we went to Catholic Charities, which was a sort of food bank for families who aren't able to get enough food. Maggie (Tibbitt) and I started to really get the hang of the place and soon we had a system figured out that let us fill orders in seconds! It was completely mental. Anyway, there were also a lot of great volunteers that were friendly and welcomed us happily to the ministry.
On the last night- wait, hang on...random note: we went to the beach, which was awesome and the pizza was delicious. Sorry. On the last night, we had our church leaders wash our feet like Jesus did to his disciples. It was really an inspiring opportunity. After that, the leaders prayed for us individually and I had a powerful moment with God and I felt like he was trying to tell me how he wanted me to continue to live my life. Ooookkkk I got really carried away and the people watching me here are giving me death threats because I'm taking too long to write this blog. It was an amazing first Youthworks trip and I hope I can do more in the future. See you all tomorrow!
Nate Bennett
Grade 8
Can't blog right now ... play'n poker
Josh Borst
8th Grade
Hi this is Zachary. I've had alot of fun. bye
Zach Reddish
7th grade
Maggie Tibbitt reads her Bible during the morning devotionals "Devos" at New Life Assembly Church in San Diego
Collin Grant and Tristan Robertson enjoy the lunch break
Travelers play games (Salad Bowl organized by FPC co-leaders Stephannie Finley and poker organized randomly--no real betting) at Christ's Church in Flagstaff, AZ before overnighting and departure to Colorado Springs early in the morning.
San Diego - 6 Evening
So far, I am having a great time. I've never felt so close to God than I do at this trip. That feeling of feeling great when you have made someone happy is what I am feeling all the time now. I'm also getting tired waking up early and going to bed late and full planned days, but it is all worth it. I hope I can go on another trip like this again. I'm sad to be leaving tomorrow, but excited to see my family.
Holly Huffman
8th grade
Holly (4th from left) works with First Pres students Zach Reddish, Sydney Lane, Anna Hortik and Noah Reeverts (far right) carrying material for volunteer tasks
I have been to several camps and mission trips before but truly this one, because I have matured, has completely changed me. Within the past month or so, I have felt a different and much closer relationship with God. I have been begging him to take full control. This trip has helped me open my heart and take an extra step twoards that goal.
Noah Reeverts
Grade 9
This trip has been such a great experience from the bus ride to the last night. I have gone from sorting rotton tomates to preparing meals for sick homeless people. And packing boxes and boxes of food with Anna to backing cookies. But nothing compares to being able to become closer to God. I love sitting with everyone to eat dinner and just hanging out in free time. I have made so many new friends and it's just been amazing! I don't want it to end but I miss all of my friends and family at home and am excited to see everyone in Colorado!
Sydney Lane
8th grade
Hi! I'm in California right now! It is so amazing with warm weather, gorgeous palm trees, awesome friends, and the BEACH!!!! I'm having so much fun! It has been very interesting serving others here and I hope to take these lessons to Colorado Springs where I can do them there too. I've learned lots about God, met tons of cool people from Washington and managed to sprain my ankle I think!
Emily Wilson
8th grade
Emily (second from left) shares her white painted arms from working with her group including two Vancouver, Washington students and Robyn Camera from First Pres (third from left)
I've had so much fun here this week! California is amazing. The group I have been working with had the chance to go to a nursing home and meet several senior citizens. One woman, Shirley, was very inspiring to me because of her stong faith even though she was in pretty bad shape from a health standpoint. Every few sentences, she would say something like, "Praise Jesus!" or "My blessed Jesus, he is always here with us." Not only Shirley, but quite a few of the people at the nursing home were like this. I could see Jesus working through every single one of them because even after only two minutes of speaking with them, they were already telling you that they loved you and how grateful they were for you coming to visit.
One man named Inocente gave me a bracelet he had made on the first day that I met him. We also met a man named Leonardo who was deaf and mute, but he found ways to connect with us without using words.
Today was the last day to talk to our friends at the nursing home, and it was very hard to say goodbye. After getting tears in my eyes as Shirley gave me one last hug, we left to go to our second work site, a local food bank. We have been doing different jobs there throughout the week and today included separating red tomatoes from green tomatoes. We had a contest to see who could find the biggest, smallest, and most rotten tomatoes. It got pretty disgusting to see how gross the rotten ones were. Making slightly boring and tedious jobs more exciting by doing things like contests really helped me grow close to my small group of people I worked with at the sites. It's been great to have fun by helping other people here in San Diego, and I know that I am truly going to miss it when we have to head back home tomorrow.
Caroline Russell
9th grade
Caroline (3rd from left front row) prepares food trays with other First Pres kids: Megan Dibble, Ryan Henderson and Nicole Kalletta (thumbs up in background)
I have gone to First Pres. Church of Colorado Springs only like 3 times and I am already on my first mission trip. I think this mission trip has really changed me. At first, I wasn't really excited about going on mission in San Diego, but once I got here I was really having a lot of fun. I have made a lot of new friends here. My group has been working at a company called Special Delivery and it's a place that only volunteers work at. While volunteering there, I met an amazing lady named Ruth. She is the owner of Special Delivery and has been for twenty years. Her story was truly amazing and I was amazed how God has changed her whole life. At first the point of the company's existence, it was to help people with AIDs and who didn't have the energy to get up and make their own food or go to the grocery store. Then she found out about other people with diseases who didn't have the energy to make their own food so she started deliver to all kinds of people around the city of San Diego with the help of some volunteers.
I think that she is a really great person doing a very good cause. Marven, who also volunteers at Specia Delivery, volunteers every day of the week for more than nine hours. I thought he was a really cool person and God Bless to him.
My group also volunteered at the San Diego Food Bank and I think we all got to know each other there because we all worked together and I really enjoyed what I was doing there. I have to thank Noah for taking me to First Pres Church for the first time and Katie for convincing me to go on this mission trip. Also I have to give a huge thanks to Isaac, a high school kid from Vancouver, Washington for being the most modest, honest, kindest, hard working person I have ever met. I am glad to say that he is my friend. I send "Gnarly Knucks" to Isaac, which is one of our ways at Youth Works to acknowledge good things about other people.
This trip has really changed me and I hope I can take what I have learned here home and be a better person. Thank You.
Jared Tabel
9th grade
Jared helps to sort food at San Diego Food Bank while First Pres Adult Co-Leader Stephannie Finley is pictured in the background
Well, this week has been...exhilirating! with tons of fun new people to meet and things to do. It was pretty awesome. San Diego has been pretty good with the whole weather thing. It was sunny and breezy nonstop. I guess God wanted us to have a less exhausting time.
Any who, serving this week at the adult day center was so fun and soooooo new! I loved the people and the way they were. Their faces lit up with joy when they saw us coming every day. The same with the charity where we worked. Handing the food to the people felt so good, serving them brought me, them, and God joy. Serving in his name to love and to shower other people with happiness is my purpose this week and for the rest of my life. My faith in Him has grown so strong, as I see him working in other peoples lives.
P.S. I love you mommy! And yes, I forgot something after all that. :P
Alex P.
Grade 9

Before heading out for a swim in the Pacific Ocean, Alex (left front) prepares for beach side pizza and other dinner goodies at Coronado Beach with the combined Colorado Springs and Vancouver, Washington kids and adults. Other First Pres students pictured include (from center left to right) Chloe Lewis, Tory Louis, & Robyn Camera.
Holly Huffman
8th grade
Holly (4th from left) works with First Pres students Zach Reddish, Sydney Lane, Anna Hortik and Noah Reeverts (far right) carrying material for volunteer tasks
I have been to several camps and mission trips before but truly this one, because I have matured, has completely changed me. Within the past month or so, I have felt a different and much closer relationship with God. I have been begging him to take full control. This trip has helped me open my heart and take an extra step twoards that goal.
Noah Reeverts
Grade 9
This trip has been such a great experience from the bus ride to the last night. I have gone from sorting rotton tomates to preparing meals for sick homeless people. And packing boxes and boxes of food with Anna to backing cookies. But nothing compares to being able to become closer to God. I love sitting with everyone to eat dinner and just hanging out in free time. I have made so many new friends and it's just been amazing! I don't want it to end but I miss all of my friends and family at home and am excited to see everyone in Colorado!
Sydney Lane
8th grade
Hi! I'm in California right now! It is so amazing with warm weather, gorgeous palm trees, awesome friends, and the BEACH!!!! I'm having so much fun! It has been very interesting serving others here and I hope to take these lessons to Colorado Springs where I can do them there too. I've learned lots about God, met tons of cool people from Washington and managed to sprain my ankle I think!
Emily Wilson
8th grade
Emily (second from left) shares her white painted arms from working with her group including two Vancouver, Washington students and Robyn Camera from First Pres (third from left)
I've had so much fun here this week! California is amazing. The group I have been working with had the chance to go to a nursing home and meet several senior citizens. One woman, Shirley, was very inspiring to me because of her stong faith even though she was in pretty bad shape from a health standpoint. Every few sentences, she would say something like, "Praise Jesus!" or "My blessed Jesus, he is always here with us." Not only Shirley, but quite a few of the people at the nursing home were like this. I could see Jesus working through every single one of them because even after only two minutes of speaking with them, they were already telling you that they loved you and how grateful they were for you coming to visit.
One man named Inocente gave me a bracelet he had made on the first day that I met him. We also met a man named Leonardo who was deaf and mute, but he found ways to connect with us without using words.
Today was the last day to talk to our friends at the nursing home, and it was very hard to say goodbye. After getting tears in my eyes as Shirley gave me one last hug, we left to go to our second work site, a local food bank. We have been doing different jobs there throughout the week and today included separating red tomatoes from green tomatoes. We had a contest to see who could find the biggest, smallest, and most rotten tomatoes. It got pretty disgusting to see how gross the rotten ones were. Making slightly boring and tedious jobs more exciting by doing things like contests really helped me grow close to my small group of people I worked with at the sites. It's been great to have fun by helping other people here in San Diego, and I know that I am truly going to miss it when we have to head back home tomorrow.
Caroline Russell
9th grade
Caroline (3rd from left front row) prepares food trays with other First Pres kids: Megan Dibble, Ryan Henderson and Nicole Kalletta (thumbs up in background)
I have gone to First Pres. Church of Colorado Springs only like 3 times and I am already on my first mission trip. I think this mission trip has really changed me. At first, I wasn't really excited about going on mission in San Diego, but once I got here I was really having a lot of fun. I have made a lot of new friends here. My group has been working at a company called Special Delivery and it's a place that only volunteers work at. While volunteering there, I met an amazing lady named Ruth. She is the owner of Special Delivery and has been for twenty years. Her story was truly amazing and I was amazed how God has changed her whole life. At first the point of the company's existence, it was to help people with AIDs and who didn't have the energy to get up and make their own food or go to the grocery store. Then she found out about other people with diseases who didn't have the energy to make their own food so she started deliver to all kinds of people around the city of San Diego with the help of some volunteers.
I think that she is a really great person doing a very good cause. Marven, who also volunteers at Specia Delivery, volunteers every day of the week for more than nine hours. I thought he was a really cool person and God Bless to him.
My group also volunteered at the San Diego Food Bank and I think we all got to know each other there because we all worked together and I really enjoyed what I was doing there. I have to thank Noah for taking me to First Pres Church for the first time and Katie for convincing me to go on this mission trip. Also I have to give a huge thanks to Isaac, a high school kid from Vancouver, Washington for being the most modest, honest, kindest, hard working person I have ever met. I am glad to say that he is my friend. I send "Gnarly Knucks" to Isaac, which is one of our ways at Youth Works to acknowledge good things about other people.
This trip has really changed me and I hope I can take what I have learned here home and be a better person. Thank You.
Jared Tabel
9th grade
Jared helps to sort food at San Diego Food Bank while First Pres Adult Co-Leader Stephannie Finley is pictured in the background
Well, this week has been...exhilirating! with tons of fun new people to meet and things to do. It was pretty awesome. San Diego has been pretty good with the whole weather thing. It was sunny and breezy nonstop. I guess God wanted us to have a less exhausting time.
Any who, serving this week at the adult day center was so fun and soooooo new! I loved the people and the way they were. Their faces lit up with joy when they saw us coming every day. The same with the charity where we worked. Handing the food to the people felt so good, serving them brought me, them, and God joy. Serving in his name to love and to shower other people with happiness is my purpose this week and for the rest of my life. My faith in Him has grown so strong, as I see him working in other peoples lives.
P.S. I love you mommy! And yes, I forgot something after all that. :P
Alex P.
Grade 9
Before heading out for a swim in the Pacific Ocean, Alex (left front) prepares for beach side pizza and other dinner goodies at Coronado Beach with the combined Colorado Springs and Vancouver, Washington kids and adults. Other First Pres students pictured include (from center left to right) Chloe Lewis, Tory Louis, & Robyn Camera.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
San Diego - 6 Morning
We are having a great time in San Diego. We went to the beach a couple days ago and the water felt awesome. Yesterday we went to Balboa Park and I had hoped to go to the Championship Sports Hall of Fame museum but it was only open from 10am to 4:30pm so it was already closed during our evening visit. Today my group is going to a barbeque at the Adult Day Care. We are having a fantastic time in San Diego.
Kyle DeWeerd-8th grade
Kyle (far left) and Tara (forefront) help residents draw at the Senior Day Care Center
On the 3rd room from the left in the New Life Church in San Diego, California in the United States, NorthAmerica, Earth, Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, I am having alot of fun. I have been helping out at the Special Delivery Program here and it delivers food to the people who have illnesses and can't make their own meals. We also worked at the food bank where I won the smallest potato contest. We got to wear hair nets, aprons, and gloves. We also visited the beach and that was really fun because I got to play in the waves and dig holes that were 2 feet deep. We also have been playing with the neighborhood kids around the church and we have lots of fun with them.
Zachary William Reddish
Grade 7
Zach Reddish digs in the sand at the Pacific
Ocean on Coronado Beach
Another early morning! This amazing and eye-opening experience has flown by very fast. It is amazing how the van ride here seemed so long and being in San Diego is almost over! The whole group has worked very hard on every work site we have been to. God has really worked through every kid here to make San Diego a better city. I have really enjoyed getting to know other kids from my own church and the kids from Washington. I also really enjoyed talking to the people I served. I know I will have these memories for a very long time.
P.S. I love you mommy and daddy and don't worry about me!
Maggie Tibbitt
Grade 7

Maggie (right) with Delia, one of the residents at the Day Center
It's been a great experience getting to feed the homeless. I love all the people we were able to meet. It was also cool that people from a different state were helping out with us too. (THANKS WASHINGTON STATE KIDS!!)
Julia Angevine
Grade 8
Julia (left) and Claire colorfully and exquisitely display 2 of the 1,200 "Naked" brand fruit smoothly bottles (almost expired) that they are handing out to the residents of Saint Vincent's Village in their soup kitchen in Downtown San Diego
Kyle DeWeerd-8th grade
Kyle (far left) and Tara (forefront) help residents draw at the Senior Day Care Center
On the 3rd room from the left in the New Life Church in San Diego, California in the United States, NorthAmerica, Earth, Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, I am having alot of fun. I have been helping out at the Special Delivery Program here and it delivers food to the people who have illnesses and can't make their own meals. We also worked at the food bank where I won the smallest potato contest. We got to wear hair nets, aprons, and gloves. We also visited the beach and that was really fun because I got to play in the waves and dig holes that were 2 feet deep. We also have been playing with the neighborhood kids around the church and we have lots of fun with them.
Zachary William Reddish
Grade 7
Zach Reddish digs in the sand at the Pacific
Ocean on Coronado Beach
Another early morning! This amazing and eye-opening experience has flown by very fast. It is amazing how the van ride here seemed so long and being in San Diego is almost over! The whole group has worked very hard on every work site we have been to. God has really worked through every kid here to make San Diego a better city. I have really enjoyed getting to know other kids from my own church and the kids from Washington. I also really enjoyed talking to the people I served. I know I will have these memories for a very long time.
P.S. I love you mommy and daddy and don't worry about me!
Maggie Tibbitt
Grade 7
Maggie (right) with Delia, one of the residents at the Day Center
It's been a great experience getting to feed the homeless. I love all the people we were able to meet. It was also cool that people from a different state were helping out with us too. (THANKS WASHINGTON STATE KIDS!!)
Julia Angevine
Grade 8
Julia (left) and Claire colorfully and exquisitely display 2 of the 1,200 "Naked" brand fruit smoothly bottles (almost expired) that they are handing out to the residents of Saint Vincent's Village in their soup kitchen in Downtown San Diego
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
San Diego 5 Evening
Working in the food kitchen is pretty amazing. I helped the handicapped people get their food trays and walked alot. It is nice to see their faces of joy when I arrive with their food.
Last night we went to the beach at Coronado Island. The water was so super cold that many of us wanted to leave as soon as we got there, but some other really nice people shared their beach fire with us so we stayed.
p.s. Josh and Claire are both sick and it sux. They were both lazy.
Anna Wilson

Anna Wilson (yellow top) and Josh Borst (red, white and gray trunks) at the Pacific Ocean's water's edge with other YouthWorks kids from both First Pres Colorado Springs and Vancouver, Washington on Coronado Beach
This week has been a very fun week and also an eventful one so far. I have made a bunch of new friends at the basketball camp where I work and I have 3 staples in the back of my head. I work at a basketball camp where kids that can't afford a camp can come for free and learn to play and have all sorts of fun. I am the only one in my YouthWorks group that plays basketball so I go out and do the drills and connect with the kids and I have a lot of new friends. Unfortunately, yesterday I was sliding down a railing for fun and I fell backwards and slammed my head into the concrete below. Now I have 3 staples in the back of my head and I somehow also strained my knee so I have a brace on it and I can't play basketball. But, today I did what I could and I still hung with my friends and had fun. PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Lee
9th Grade
This week has been absolutely amazing! My YouthWorks group called Laguna has been working at two different stations everyday. The first job is called "Special Delivery", run by an amazing woman named Ruth who has run the non-profit organization for twenty years with entirely volunteers. We make meals for people with AIDS and other diseases. In the second half of the day, we go to the food bank and check for rotting food and pack boxes for the needy. God has been in so many places through out this trip and I'm really glad I came. I'm having an amazing time :)
Anna Hortik
Grade 8
God Bless!
Last night we went to the beach at Coronado Island. The water was so super cold that many of us wanted to leave as soon as we got there, but some other really nice people shared their beach fire with us so we stayed.
p.s. Josh and Claire are both sick and it sux. They were both lazy.
Anna Wilson
Anna Wilson (yellow top) and Josh Borst (red, white and gray trunks) at the Pacific Ocean's water's edge with other YouthWorks kids from both First Pres Colorado Springs and Vancouver, Washington on Coronado Beach
This week has been a very fun week and also an eventful one so far. I have made a bunch of new friends at the basketball camp where I work and I have 3 staples in the back of my head. I work at a basketball camp where kids that can't afford a camp can come for free and learn to play and have all sorts of fun. I am the only one in my YouthWorks group that plays basketball so I go out and do the drills and connect with the kids and I have a lot of new friends. Unfortunately, yesterday I was sliding down a railing for fun and I fell backwards and slammed my head into the concrete below. Now I have 3 staples in the back of my head and I somehow also strained my knee so I have a brace on it and I can't play basketball. But, today I did what I could and I still hung with my friends and had fun. PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Lee
9th Grade
This week has been absolutely amazing! My YouthWorks group called Laguna has been working at two different stations everyday. The first job is called "Special Delivery", run by an amazing woman named Ruth who has run the non-profit organization for twenty years with entirely volunteers. We make meals for people with AIDS and other diseases. In the second half of the day, we go to the food bank and check for rotting food and pack boxes for the needy. God has been in so many places through out this trip and I'm really glad I came. I'm having an amazing time :)
Anna Hortik
Grade 8
God Bless!
San Diego - 5 Afternoon
After a few visits to medical professionals, we have one student with strep and one with an ear infection. They both have the proper meds and are resting. So far no one else from our First Pres group has complained about feeling sick. I pray everyone else will remain physically healthy. This is good news!
All the rest of the kids are out at their afternoon work sites - some are at a basketball camp for youth, some are helping prepare meals for shut-ins, some are visiting with the elderly, and others are sorting food at a food bank. Tonight, we will attend a worship service at the church where we are staying.
Thanks for the prayers and comments on the blog. We try to relay the messages to kids, so keep them coming!
All the rest of the kids are out at their afternoon work sites - some are at a basketball camp for youth, some are helping prepare meals for shut-ins, some are visiting with the elderly, and others are sorting food at a food bank. Tonight, we will attend a worship service at the church where we are staying.
Thanks for the prayers and comments on the blog. We try to relay the messages to kids, so keep them coming!
San Diego - 4 Evening
I'm sneaking in a quick blog before hitting the pillow. It's almost midnight and it has been a crazy day. The kids are fighting the fatigue of long days and so are the leaders. The high of yesterday has in some ways been lowered. For reasons that have not been explained, our two main Youth Works staff people had to cut their summer short, it sounded like a family emergency, but we really don't know. Please pray for all our Youth Works staff - Esther, Jake, Lindsay, Blake, Ben, Lisa and a new guy, Bryan who will be introduced to us tomorrow. This sudden shift has taken a toll on the Youth Works leaders and they need our prayers.
As for our First Pres group, the fatigue has aided in one of our kiddos falling while sliding down a handrail (his parents have been notified) and it resulted in a couple staples and a knee brace - Co-leader Collin Grant got to hang all evening in Urgent Care facilities with him. And it seems we might have a small outbreak of strep throat. One confirmed case and perhaps another unconfirmed - I'll be making phone calls tomorrow.
In the grand scheme of things, these are minor set backs for the group, but for the individuals involved it can really put a negative spin on things.
In lighter news, the kids all got to experience the Pacific Ocean today. It was overcast and cool, but that didn't deter kids from playing in the surf, burying each other in the sand, and throwing around a football. From what I heard, the work groups continue to do well and feel connected to their projects.
Please pray for health and rest tonight.
As for our First Pres group, the fatigue has aided in one of our kiddos falling while sliding down a handrail (his parents have been notified) and it resulted in a couple staples and a knee brace - Co-leader Collin Grant got to hang all evening in Urgent Care facilities with him. And it seems we might have a small outbreak of strep throat. One confirmed case and perhaps another unconfirmed - I'll be making phone calls tomorrow.
In the grand scheme of things, these are minor set backs for the group, but for the individuals involved it can really put a negative spin on things.
In lighter news, the kids all got to experience the Pacific Ocean today. It was overcast and cool, but that didn't deter kids from playing in the surf, burying each other in the sand, and throwing around a football. From what I heard, the work groups continue to do well and feel connected to their projects.
Please pray for health and rest tonight.
Monday, July 25, 2011
San Diego - 3 Evening
Today, my group worked in the soup kitchen in downtown San Diego and served lunch to over 1000 homeless people. Most of the people there were really grateful and nice and although it was tiring, we had a good time. Then, after enjoying our lunch in the park, we went over to a food pantry to help out. Next came our one-minute showers (slightly stressful) and then dinner (pasta... yum!). It has been a pretty good first full day here, and I am sure our experience will continue to get better and better.
And, to my family- Hi! I haven't been homesick at all and when I get back I will have lots of fun stories to tell :)
-Megan Dibble
Grade 9

Kate Walker and Megan Dibble share the serving line
responsibility as hot food trays are handed to incoming guests
Today I have experienced serving many people at a homeless shelter. Seeing all of those people smiling when they get their food reminded me that you don't need everything to be happy. Also today I went to the war memoral at the top of the mountian with a view from all directions including La Jolla and Mission Bay and Downtown San Diego and so much more. The mountain top was a reminder of my grandad and how remembering that when he died on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago, and remembering that he had a great experience in helping the war was simply amazing!
-Nicole Kalletta
Grade 9

First Pres Colorado Springs Group (partial) at San Diego's Mount Soledad Memorial awaiting sunset overlooking the Pacific Ocean
Today we had the amazing experience to serve homeless people while serving God at the same time. It made me happy to see the people's faces when they saw what we were doing, but sad when i realized how much we have compared to how much they don't. It will be interesting to see if the same people come again tomorrow and I recognize most of them. We get to have a bon fire tomorrow night on the beach and a pizza dinner too. This is such a nice place.
-Josh Borst
Grade 8
We had a great time at our first mission site, a nursing home, and I learned that the elderly really can be active people when they danced the chicken dance and played instruments with us. (There was also a coffee-throwing fight between two of the residents that was pretty interesting.) Later at the food bank, our other site, the two teams there sorted food and decided which foods could be passed on based on their expiration dates. I was a little shocked to see donations dating back to when I was born, but it showed me that many people don't donate to help people, but give away old foods that they won't even eat. Still, knowing that we controlled the quality of the foods that will eventually be on people's plates was a good experience. Looking forward to going to the beach tomorrow night.
-Tory Louis
Grade 9
Hello everyone, we had a great day at our first mission work site. First, we went to an elderly home type thing and talked for awhile then played a really fun game of bingo. Then, second we went to a food bank type thing and packed food for people who have Aids and stuff like that. To end the great day, off we went to an AWESOME lookout and saw the sun set into the ocean ... and we played a litle football during that time too. So far a really good experience.
-Titus Grant
Grade 7

Will and Titus enjoy lunch between worksites with FPC students: Brooke, Starr and Tiara
I finally have gotten a hold of a computer with no kids around! :) Moms, Dads, Friends... this trip is amazing. I really honestly feel like I am on holy ground with this group. There are kids testifying to God's movement in their lives - conviction of complacency, dreams for the future, and a real desire to love and serve other people. I'm leading a small crew of great kids - Tiara, Starr, Brooke, Will and Titus. They really connected with the folks at Senior Nutrition Center - we played bingo and the boys learned to play dominos.Our second site was called Special Delivery and it prepares and delivers three meals a day, five days a week to those who are desperately ill - from HIV/Aids, MS, cancer and other illnessess. Two of the men we worked with today are HIV positive - I have to say that is a first for me and I guarantee for many of our students. We had a great talk in the car about what HIV is and how people can get it (I'm kinda surprised that they didn't learn this in health class, but perhaps that's next year's curriculum). That opened up the possibility to have some good conversations about how Jesus calls us to love others - even if lifestyle choices or health status are different or scary.
I've learned a few things about my crew: Brooke loves the palm trees (complete with hugging them) and has french braided my hair twice and is willing to jump in wherever, Will has been PRECIOUS in looking after his younger sister and invaluable as a navigator (thank you, Dad for teaching him!), Starr has the gift of encouragement and is always upbeat and happy, Tiara is beyond sweet and does an amazing job of connecting with the people we are working with, and Titus is observant and funny and ready to help whenever asked - especially when I need strong arms to carry heavy things (like our water jug).
I also want to say that I'm so impressed with my small group: Nate, Josh, Chloe, Nicole, Maggie, Tory, and (a guest appearance by small group stowaway Anna Wilson). They were so engaged in the lesson tonight and in the discussions that followed. God is at work. Big time.
So much love and thankfulness to God for how he is at work in my life and the lives of these kids.
Katie Harris, 78 Director
And, to my family- Hi! I haven't been homesick at all and when I get back I will have lots of fun stories to tell :)
-Megan Dibble
Grade 9

Kate Walker and Megan Dibble share the serving line
responsibility as hot food trays are handed to incoming guests
Today I have experienced serving many people at a homeless shelter. Seeing all of those people smiling when they get their food reminded me that you don't need everything to be happy. Also today I went to the war memoral at the top of the mountian with a view from all directions including La Jolla and Mission Bay and Downtown San Diego and so much more. The mountain top was a reminder of my grandad and how remembering that when he died on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago, and remembering that he had a great experience in helping the war was simply amazing!
-Nicole Kalletta
Grade 9

First Pres Colorado Springs Group (partial) at San Diego's Mount Soledad Memorial awaiting sunset overlooking the Pacific Ocean
Today we had the amazing experience to serve homeless people while serving God at the same time. It made me happy to see the people's faces when they saw what we were doing, but sad when i realized how much we have compared to how much they don't. It will be interesting to see if the same people come again tomorrow and I recognize most of them. We get to have a bon fire tomorrow night on the beach and a pizza dinner too. This is such a nice place.
-Josh Borst
Grade 8
We had a great time at our first mission site, a nursing home, and I learned that the elderly really can be active people when they danced the chicken dance and played instruments with us. (There was also a coffee-throwing fight between two of the residents that was pretty interesting.) Later at the food bank, our other site, the two teams there sorted food and decided which foods could be passed on based on their expiration dates. I was a little shocked to see donations dating back to when I was born, but it showed me that many people don't donate to help people, but give away old foods that they won't even eat. Still, knowing that we controlled the quality of the foods that will eventually be on people's plates was a good experience. Looking forward to going to the beach tomorrow night.
-Tory Louis
Grade 9
Hello everyone, we had a great day at our first mission work site. First, we went to an elderly home type thing and talked for awhile then played a really fun game of bingo. Then, second we went to a food bank type thing and packed food for people who have Aids and stuff like that. To end the great day, off we went to an AWESOME lookout and saw the sun set into the ocean ... and we played a litle football during that time too. So far a really good experience.
-Titus Grant
Grade 7

Will and Titus enjoy lunch between worksites with FPC students: Brooke, Starr and Tiara
I finally have gotten a hold of a computer with no kids around! :) Moms, Dads, Friends... this trip is amazing. I really honestly feel like I am on holy ground with this group. There are kids testifying to God's movement in their lives - conviction of complacency, dreams for the future, and a real desire to love and serve other people. I'm leading a small crew of great kids - Tiara, Starr, Brooke, Will and Titus. They really connected with the folks at Senior Nutrition Center - we played bingo and the boys learned to play dominos.Our second site was called Special Delivery and it prepares and delivers three meals a day, five days a week to those who are desperately ill - from HIV/Aids, MS, cancer and other illnessess. Two of the men we worked with today are HIV positive - I have to say that is a first for me and I guarantee for many of our students. We had a great talk in the car about what HIV is and how people can get it (I'm kinda surprised that they didn't learn this in health class, but perhaps that's next year's curriculum). That opened up the possibility to have some good conversations about how Jesus calls us to love others - even if lifestyle choices or health status are different or scary.
I've learned a few things about my crew: Brooke loves the palm trees (complete with hugging them) and has french braided my hair twice and is willing to jump in wherever, Will has been PRECIOUS in looking after his younger sister and invaluable as a navigator (thank you, Dad for teaching him!), Starr has the gift of encouragement and is always upbeat and happy, Tiara is beyond sweet and does an amazing job of connecting with the people we are working with, and Titus is observant and funny and ready to help whenever asked - especially when I need strong arms to carry heavy things (like our water jug).
I also want to say that I'm so impressed with my small group: Nate, Josh, Chloe, Nicole, Maggie, Tory, and (a guest appearance by small group stowaway Anna Wilson). They were so engaged in the lesson tonight and in the discussions that followed. God is at work. Big time.
So much love and thankfulness to God for how he is at work in my life and the lives of these kids.
Katie Harris, 78 Director
Will helping to prepare meals at Special Delivery. |
San Diego -3 Afternoon
Today our groupe (English spelling) worked at a soupe kitchen and fed over 1000 homeless people within 2-1/2 hours. Then we went to the park and had lunch with our leaders. After our tasty and nutritionious meal, we went to help out at a place where we box up food to give out. When we finished that, we rushed to the showers where we got 3 minute showers each and I still have the soap in my hair. On our way back to the New Life Assembly Church, our gnarly leaders, Randy Case and Julia Hodges bought us 7-11 slushies and now we are having free time before dinner and bible study and group...full day oh yea and we got to see the Pacific Ocean where we have dinner tomorrow night (:
PS love you mummy and daddyo!
Claire Eppley
9th Grade
PS love you mummy and daddyo!
Claire Eppley
9th Grade
Sunday, July 24, 2011
San Diego -2 Evening
Today we drove for another 8 hours. As we entered California, we saw the border of Mexico and the United States which has a big fence and we also saw the All American Channel which has lots of water in it. There were two border checkpoints on the highway where they check every car for illegal aliens from Mexico trying to sneak into the US. We also had many rest stops. The New Life Assembly Church where we are staying is very fun and has a lot of space. We had Club tonight, where the whole group comes together to sing and worship God. There is another church group from Washington here including 20 kids and 4 leaders. I am looking forward to service projects tomorrow and enjoying California as a whole.
8th grade
Today we have arrived in the city known as San Diego. To me, it looks almost the same as some other major cities in the desert that we have driven through to get here, only bigger. I am sure as the week progresses, I will begin to see its quirks and uniqueness, not to mention the ocean. When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised with the pictureesque look of our church. The girls have been deemed to sleep in the chapel area and so we have mostly taken to sleeping on pews. It may seem a little odd but I believe it feels very... right too ... like it was meant to be so. The water here is grotesce as the texture and cloudy taste is inferior to the crispness of water at home. The church has a little playground outside the main building and for our game tonight we played there. It is quaint, but also very fitting. There were obvious signs of loving by the locals and seemed like somewhere many childhood memories would be made. I am excited to begin work and really see what San Diego will hold for me and how God will appear in my life during the trip and on the work sites. I think my favorite variation of the trip from before is having my younger sister, Robyn to accompany me because it gives me a rare opportunity to see God working through her too. I have noticed when she is paying attention to the lessons, that she is really hearing what they are trying to say and its uplifting.
- Tara Camera 9th Grade
Chloe Lewis hugs the famous Arizona Saquaro...OUCH.
8th grade
Today we have arrived in the city known as San Diego. To me, it looks almost the same as some other major cities in the desert that we have driven through to get here, only bigger. I am sure as the week progresses, I will begin to see its quirks and uniqueness, not to mention the ocean. When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised with the pictureesque look of our church. The girls have been deemed to sleep in the chapel area and so we have mostly taken to sleeping on pews. It may seem a little odd but I believe it feels very... right too ... like it was meant to be so. The water here is grotesce as the texture and cloudy taste is inferior to the crispness of water at home. The church has a little playground outside the main building and for our game tonight we played there. It is quaint, but also very fitting. There were obvious signs of loving by the locals and seemed like somewhere many childhood memories would be made. I am excited to begin work and really see what San Diego will hold for me and how God will appear in my life during the trip and on the work sites. I think my favorite variation of the trip from before is having my younger sister, Robyn to accompany me because it gives me a rare opportunity to see God working through her too. I have noticed when she is paying attention to the lessons, that she is really hearing what they are trying to say and its uplifting.
- Tara Camera 9th Grade
San Diego - 2
Good morning from Flagstaff, Arizona
Every one slept great last night and every one has had so much fun.(excluding the 10 hour hot van drive to Flasgstaff and it is extremely smokey from a forest fire somewhere around here). Eating breakfast and having worship here and then another van ride to San Diego about 8 hours.
7th grade
Hi guys!! I slept really well. Although there were a few bugs and spiders in the church...getting ready for worship here.
8th Grade
Where we stayed last night and will overnight again on Friday
Thanks Christ's Church of Flagstaff!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every one slept great last night and every one has had so much fun.(excluding the 10 hour hot van drive to Flasgstaff and it is extremely smokey from a forest fire somewhere around here). Eating breakfast and having worship here and then another van ride to San Diego about 8 hours.
7th grade
Hi guys!! I slept really well. Although there were a few bugs and spiders in the church...getting ready for worship here.
8th Grade
Where we stayed last night and will overnight again on Friday
Thanks Christ's Church of Flagstaff!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
San Diego 1.0
Well, we finally arrived in Flagstaff. Sitting in a car for twelve hours wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was still fun to be able to hang out with friends on the way. Hopefully everyone gets a good night sleep, and we will be in San Diego sometime tomorrow.
Tristan Robertson
Grade 9
Travelers circle for prayer before dinner in Flagstaff, AZ
We had a long drive to Arizona. I'm so happy we are here. we are having lots of fun!!!
Tiara grade 7
At long last we are here!!! We had such a fun drive. Thanks for letting me go to San Diego! I love it here!To my family... I miss and LOVE you all!!! Another long drive tomorrow. First work thing tomorrow as well.
Starr Grade 7
Finally! After a crazy long drive, we' long last, at the church in Flagstaff, AZ. So far it has been a lot of fun. Nobody died or was severely injured, which was lovely. Anyway, the church is awesome and we have already played a basketball game, eaten unhealthy fast food, and gotten to know each other so basically it has been completely amazing. We're all excited for tomorrow.
Nate, Grade 8
P.S. Mom, I wore my seat belt. Just so you know.
It was a long day in the car with many bathroom breaks... having loads of fun! Well toodles!
Gotta go to Bed!!!
Kate Walker The Best 8th Grader EVER!!!
Some of the girls just couldn't wait until Monday to take a shower.
Tristan Robertson
Grade 9
Travelers circle for prayer before dinner in Flagstaff, AZ
We had a long drive to Arizona. I'm so happy we are here. we are having lots of fun!!!
Tiara grade 7
At long last we are here!!! We had such a fun drive. Thanks for letting me go to San Diego! I love it here!To my family... I miss and LOVE you all!!! Another long drive tomorrow. First work thing tomorrow as well.
Starr Grade 7
Finally! After a crazy long drive, we' long last, at the church in Flagstaff, AZ. So far it has been a lot of fun. Nobody died or was severely injured, which was lovely. Anyway, the church is awesome and we have already played a basketball game, eaten unhealthy fast food, and gotten to know each other so basically it has been completely amazing. We're all excited for tomorrow.
Nate, Grade 8
P.S. Mom, I wore my seat belt. Just so you know.
![]() |
Girl's Room in Flagstaff Church |
Gotta go to Bed!!!
Kate Walker The Best 8th Grader EVER!!!
Some of the girls just couldn't wait until Monday to take a shower.
Holly, Anna, and Sydney taking a "spit bath" |
Monday, July 4, 2011
Las Vegas 3 - 4th of July
Our mission projects started today - the group I was with spent time at the Prestige Assisted Living Center. We ate lunch, watched a magic show, and sang some songs with the residents. Tonight we went to a park a few blocks down the street and watched the fireworks for a while. I'll try to get some students to post some tomorrow - but for tonight here are some pictures from Zion and the Assisted Living Center.
Our mission projects started today - the group I was with spent time at the Prestige Assisted Living Center. We ate lunch, watched a magic show, and sang some songs with the residents. Tonight we went to a park a few blocks down the street and watched the fireworks for a while. I'll try to get some students to post some tomorrow - but for tonight here are some pictures from Zion and the Assisted Living Center.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Las Vegas 2 - Zion Natl Park and Las Vegas Arrival
Our trip to Zion National Park today was spectacular. Our whole group conquered the Lower, Middle, and Upper Emerald pools trail and the trail between the Lodge and the Grotto - I can't remember the name. A group of 12 of us then ascended to the top of Angel's Landing. It was an incredible hike - Barry led us to the very top - about 1600 feet of elevation gain in 2.5 miles with some good exposure all around. I've got pictures from this, but they are on the big camera and I will have to try to get them uploaded tomorrow.
We celebrated Stephanie Yassa's birthday today and got on the road to get to Las Vegas - the time-zone change was very helpful for us as it gave us an extra hour to get into our site on time - it will not be so friendly on the way back.
Arriving in Las Vegas / Henderson / Lake Mead we found our location with no problem and were greeted by very excited Youth Works staff. We've been busy all evening getting unpacked, having a club session (our time with the whole group where the YW staff lead us in singing and a time of worship. Our theme for this week is "Be Different" and is based on Luke 6:27-36. Lights Out was at 11:00pm and I snuck away to update you guys on our trip. I'm gonna go get some sleep because morning will come very soon. We've arrived at our destination and everyone is healthy and safe!
Hope to have some students sharing a bit about what they have learned later this week.
-- Spencer
We celebrated Stephanie Yassa's birthday today and got on the road to get to Las Vegas - the time-zone change was very helpful for us as it gave us an extra hour to get into our site on time - it will not be so friendly on the way back.
Arriving in Las Vegas / Henderson / Lake Mead we found our location with no problem and were greeted by very excited Youth Works staff. We've been busy all evening getting unpacked, having a club session (our time with the whole group where the YW staff lead us in singing and a time of worship. Our theme for this week is "Be Different" and is based on Luke 6:27-36. Lights Out was at 11:00pm and I snuck away to update you guys on our trip. I'm gonna go get some sleep because morning will come very soon. We've arrived at our destination and everyone is healthy and safe!
Hope to have some students sharing a bit about what they have learned later this week.
-- Spencer
Las Vegas 1 - St. George
We pulled in to St George right on schedule. We were able to easily find Good Shepherd Presbyterian and Wayne helped us get in without any trouble at all. We got all of our sleeping bags and gear off the bus and set up sleeping arrangements before heading out for dinner. We had passed an In and Out Burger on our way through town to find the church and most of the students were clamoring to eat there. Most of us leaders had not eaten there before either - Greg had and shared the "secret menu" with us. Things like the neopolitan milkshake, well done fries and 'animal style' burgers were ordered all around.
We headed back to the church to play some ultimate and have some family time before bed time.
Tomorrow we are headed to Zion National Park to hike for a bit before heading to vegas.
Here is a picture of the group after in and out burger.
In and Out,
Las Vegas,
Mission Trip,
Zion National Park
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