I honestly have no idea what kind of work we’ll be doing. we’ve heard rumors of everything to demolition to painting. I think a lot of us are worried about heat, not me, i’m more of a humidity hater myself. Oh well we’re just going to have to deal with it the best we can. From what i’ve seen so far group dynamics have been great which is amazing given that this group is almost twice as large as any other mission trip i’ve been on. i pray this continues when the work starts, when heat and humidity can easily rob us of our currently sunny disposition. I think we can handle it, its just matter of coming together when it gets hard, rather than holing up.From New Orleans With Love,Ian Hood, 11th
Good morning from New Orleans. It’s day two and we start work today. All I really have to say is that I hope the heat wont get to me as I’m most likely going to be gutting an old hospital that they’re turning into a nursing home (or something like that, its early). Yesterday brought back so many memories of the gospel service in Korea. The music was energetic, people were clapping and dancing, and everything was happy! This morning we were woken up to “This Little Light of Mine” and “Ice Ice Baby” performed by Jeff and Nate. Everyone agreed that the songs were a great way to wake up, then they turned on the lights. The entire room groaned as we were collectively blinded. Now we’re sitting in the dining room, waiting for the huge line to die down and get some food. I’m gonna stop now. I’m too tired to be writing this.
Daniel Lewis, 12th
Here are some pictures from our trip so far.
Shawn, Peter, and Bryan jamming out at Project Nehemiah where we are staying in New Orleans.
Looking at the Mississippi River from the Ferry:
Wish I was there with ya'll. Praying the trip will have a huge impact on you and those you meet. Be careful with Nate in ice cream shops!
Hey, guys, we are praying for you. Let us know some of the service opportunities you've had so far...and stay cool, in all ways. love and blessings
New update..new update...please?
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