Ryan C., Grade 8
Today we were supposed to paint a house but instead we chipped the paint that fell off. The heat and humidity was awful and I was half asleep while we were there. Then we went to the Jazz and Baseball Museum and got a "tour" there (more like self guided). We still have like 20 minutes left before we go downstairs.
Jessica A., Grade 8
Today, while the other groups did outdoor labor, our group went to the circus with the kids that we have been working with. They are very sweet and three have become close with me, and they even gave me some bracelets. After that we went to the Jazz Museum and Negro League Baseball Museum. There were two birthdays so we had pizza and cake after the museum. We've had so much fun and today was the best yet!
Tory L., Grade 8
Caroline R., Grade 8
It has been a great experience and fun. Today (Wednesday) we went to a nursing home. One guy named Don thought he was 39. There were a lot of old people there one guy was 105 he was very funny his name was Homer. There was also a guy that thought I had a wife.
Tabor M., Grade 7
'Ello everyone. I had a great time at a nursing home with some really great people. I made many new freinds there. Homer and Don were really awesome people. Don was in the Navy and he thought he was 39. I also made lots of friends during my stay at the church. My new friends include; Steven from Fishers Indiana, Caytlin from Fishers Indiana, Tabor from Colorado Springs Colorado, Brendan from Fishers Indiana, Jim ,our bus driver, from Fishers Indiana, and my favorite, a toad I found while digging a hole, I found him and did the unbelievable... I kissed him, thats right, I kissed him. Friday is my last day and I hope to enjoy my last day with all my friends.
Ryan H., Grade 7
"And we're marching, we're marching, here we go, here we go, here we go! I said let me see you boogaloo! What's that you said? I said let me see you boogaloo! What's that you said? I said let me see you boogaloo! What's that you said? I said oohh ahh ahh ahh oohh." I love that song, but yeah, we worked at a park the first day; it was a historical park with buildings from the 1800s. Then the next day we went to a nursing home and there was a couple that was celebrating their 65th anniversery. Then today we were at a house scraping the paint and trimming trees but the catch was it was 100 degrees. And tommorow we are painting the house tommorow. (I am sorry mom for my terrible typing skills.)
Tobin M., Grade 9
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