Saturday, June 13, 2015

DR Work Day - 2

Our second day of work was another great one. It was a slow wake up but we made it to the construction site. Day two is usually when we start to see the turn in our students willingness to reach out and try Spanish with our Dominican friends. And this year didn't disappoint. Our kids tried their best to speak Spanish during construction and of course that comes with some teasing both ways and laughter. But the best part was at durning our short break after lunch and our kids started to teach our DR friends some of the games they know from home. So an international game of ninja was formed and a bunch of other "line waiting" games. It seriously was awesome with smiles and laughter on faces. After work finished we went to a local river near camp for swimming, which our team hooted and hollered about! They had a blast. We followed that with many games of signs and devotionals that night. It was a great day. We look forward to what will happen today as students begin to become even more comfortable with their surroundings, with our hosts, and with the Dominican workers here at Pico. Pray for those walls to be broken down. That the reason we have come in person is because of the chance for relationship to happen - the work and building is secondary to that call. Again you can see pictures and some videos on

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