Friday, July 25, 2014

Arkorado 3.0 - Returning Home

We've missed many days of updates on the blog due to all the great, but exhausting, work we've been doing this year. It has been another amazing year in Arkansas where God has touched us and this community in amazing and transformative ways. Tomorrow we begin our last leg of driving from Oklahoma City to First Pres Colorado Springs. And due to the lack of updates make note of asking these team members to tell you about this wonderful people :: Kenny and Sarah Shaw, Rubye and Leroy Emerson, Cindy And Don Smith, Justin, Jason Martin, Charles Graham, Sandra and Alana, Jason Curtis and the Deer camp, and many other amazing people in McGehee! Also ask them about our final night together at the Oklahoma City Memorial Garden.

Blessed to be a part of these students journey with Christ! Thank you for entrusting us with their care and well-being. Pray for our remaining journey tomorrow! We shall see you all soon.


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