Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rapid City - 3

Yesterday we went to Black Hills Workshop to help mentally challenged people. When we went I started out very nervous and thought I couldn't do this. As soon I met a guy named A.J. I felt more comfortable. He liked to play basketball and he was very funny. I then started to open up and meet the others. After we helped, we ate and then went to Mt. Rushmore.

David D, 8th grade
(Picture on Above: Cara & Ali folding napkins at a nursing home.)

Yesterday I had an eye opening day. For my work project, 10 people from the church (including me) went to the Black Hills Workshop. This workshop is a place for mentally disabled people. At first I walked in and all of the people there came over just to meet us and I was completely taken out of my comfort zone. Then I met some wonderful people there who really opened my eyes to God. One lady I met was named Kathy and she was so polite and always smiled. After that the workshop was so fun and I loved talking to all the people. Later yesterday night we got to go up and see Mount Rushmore which was so cool. I had such an amazing day yesterday.

Mikaela M, 8th grade.

(Picture Above: FPC kids pointing at Mt. Rushmore.)

I'm co-leading the Blackhills Worshop team with a youth leader from a Lutheran Church near Minneapolis. Our crew is a mix of FPC and kids from his church. Blackhills is a place for mentally disabled folks who stay with other care-givers in the evening, but come come there for the day. It's called a "workshop" because they take in easy jobs for the people to do to feel productive and even make a few dollars. One such project is a job kitting components into bags for a local hospital. By and large the people we ministered to had enough capacity to engage in limited conversation and connect at some level. They love having the kids around and like to work together on little activities or just talk. We will be at the same facility with the same people for 4 days to give the people some continuity in who they see and can build some week-long relationships. All our kids are doing exceptionally well in giving of themselves in service and are representing Christ and FPC in a great way!
John F, adult leader
(Picture Above: Kids standing in front of Mt. Rushmore with one YouthWorks volunteer named Jennifer - and Katie.)


Anonymous said...

What an incredible experience! Thanks for serving our Lord with a willing heart! -kim stratman

Kathy Williams said...

Being out of our comfort zone is always hard -- so GREAT JOB in being open to these other kids and letting God use you! You guys are wonderful!!!