Totalling in about 9 hours in the bus, we finally got safely to the church. On the way we stopped at Burger King and
Arby's (although almost everyone went to
Arby's). People played cards, Catch Phrase, and Mad Libs all the way there. We had a delicious dinner leaving us full and happy. After dinner we sang and did a
handful of fun games. Now that we were terribly tired, we finally rolled into bed.
Breakfast was just as good (or better) as dinner. Soon we will be doing service projects with our groups.
John Ruhnow, Grade 7.

Finally we arrived in South Dakota after riding on a very bumpy bus for eight hours with only four stops, however when we got to the church we were so ready to fall fast asleep and not wake up until noon the next day, however we had to stay up till eleven and we did skits, songs, and more fun stuff, and in one of the skits I was in we were told we were to act like we were on a roller coaster but they told the audience that we were going to act like we were on the toilet. (Picture on the right.) Today we ate breakfast and packed our lunches and we're ready to go to our sites to work, although our group was split up into four groups we will have a great chance to get to know other people.
Hannah Bowlby, Grade 7
The ride up went really smoothly, no car sickness, no fights (as far as I know), and no mechanical issues. I've been so proud of our FPC kids... they have been volunteering for EVERYTHING that the YouthWorks staff have asked volunteers for - hence the picture of Hannah riding a roller coaster, I mean "using the toilet." Tobin, Stephanie, Tyler and Michelle also participating in this little activity. Last night's talk was about being "free" - free from our hangups, habits, bad thoughts, etc in order to be free to be who God has created us to be and do what he has created us to do. Sleeping was pretty hot last night, we have a lot of kids and leaders crammed into small rooms with just a few fans. Our boys slept in the lap of luxury in a large fellowship hall with tons of airflow. (I'm only slightly jealous.) :)
Today we'll be heading out to our different sites - most of our groups will be helping out at nursing homes, but one group will spend the week with the mentally and physically handicapped. I believe one of our groups will also assist at a food bank. Tonight we'll go to Mt. Rushmore.
Please continue to pray for our openness to what God wants to do this week. I think the overall theme is SO pertinent to us as leaders and to our middle school youth. Think about your own children, friends, etc... what are they in bondage to? Body image issues? Trying to be "cool" all the time? Anger? Low self-esteem? Depression? Self-absorption? Please pray that we'd release these things to God.
Much love to all of you,
Katie Harris - Middle School Associate