Friday, July 25, 2014

Arkorado 3.0 - Returning Home

We've missed many days of updates on the blog due to all the great, but exhausting, work we've been doing this year. It has been another amazing year in Arkansas where God has touched us and this community in amazing and transformative ways. Tomorrow we begin our last leg of driving from Oklahoma City to First Pres Colorado Springs. And due to the lack of updates make note of asking these team members to tell you about this wonderful people :: Kenny and Sarah Shaw, Rubye and Leroy Emerson, Cindy And Don Smith, Justin, Jason Martin, Charles Graham, Sandra and Alana, Jason Curtis and the Deer camp, and many other amazing people in McGehee! Also ask them about our final night together at the Oklahoma City Memorial Garden.

Blessed to be a part of these students journey with Christ! Thank you for entrusting us with their care and well-being. Pray for our remaining journey tomorrow! We shall see you all soon.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Arkorado 3.0 - Day 3

Another fabulous day today here in McGehee! We celebrated the sabbath well today with food and fellowship! This morning kicked off the festivities with a potluck style nreakfast with the McGehee folks. After that we joined them for church where our own Nate Stratman and a few of our students took parts in contributing to the experience. From there we prepared for our evening activity - the grand ice cream social. The change this year is that we made our own ice cream. Seems like a simple event but like one of our awesome students observed - us being here and McGehee FPC providing the space and vision for this evening allowed for many different people from different walks of life to gather under the same room that really wouldn't happen at other times of the year. We spent time laughing, encouraging and experiencing life here in the south. We even got to see some of our friends from the Methodist church and our friends from the Vera Llyod home.  It really was a great way to start off our work week which begins bright and early tomorrow morning at 5:40am. On that note good night for now.


Again, be sure to check out pictures and follow us on or on Facebook.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Arkorado 3.0 - Day 2

Day 2 started of great! Jack, our contact at First Presbyterian Church Oklahoma City, spent the morning visiting with us as we prepared for the rest of our drive. Before we left he gave us a your of their beautiful church filled with gorgeous stained glass windows. Pray prayers of thanksgiving over this church that have transformed their entire basement into a space for teams from around the country that are providing disaster relief in OK or that are passing through like us. It truly is awesome to see the body of Christ coming together like this - even over a simple thing like an overnight stop - it allows our youth the chance to see what other churches are doing in the kingdom! AWESOME!

After Jack saw us off we hit the road for our remaing 6 or so hour drive. And it was uneventful, which is great! Means no flat tires or anything of the like. On the great note - kids were filed with excitement that we would be arriving in McGehee later that evening and finally get the chance to see these people that we have been talking about for months.

When we arrived safely in McGehee we went straight to the Lucky's house who opened up their home to these stir crazy teens for swimming, tennis, and a place to get their first taste of southern fried chicken...mmm mmm good! On an added bonus, Zach's birthday is today! COS and McGehee combined together in celebration for his special day. Our college and Ark friends got a cake and Zach's parents sent some fun bday celebration gifts. Just was awesome to see a family singing together that spreads across state lines. If this coming together over a bday is signs of what is to come, then I couldn't be more excited for this week!!!!

More to come! For Zach's bday pic check out our instagram account


Friday, July 18, 2014

Arkorado 3.0 - Day 1

Our first travel day went off without a hitch. A great first day of breaking down walls with strangers your sharing a very small can with for 9 hours does the trick!  Roads were clear and made good time for a stop at our favorite OKC mall for dinner and a little shopping. Thankful for the hospitality here at First Presbyterian Church of Oklahoma City for opening up their space to us! Even have real beds!!!! That was a wonderfully surprise!  That's all for now - tomorrow we make are way down to the great town of McGehee, Arkansas! So excited!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dominican Republic 2014 - Day 5

Today marks our last work day at Pico Escondido. It was a very mentally and physically exhausting day. We were/are all very tired from mixing cement by hand - something we did yet again today. However, in the midst of that difficulty we were joyful and conversions were filled with laughter. Something great about cement work is that even though the work is hard, our progress at the end of the week is very obvious. While we didn't complete the entire amphitheater during our stay here we only left one step left unfinished. You can have a look at our before/after picture on Instagram.

We were able to end our work day early and spend some time in conversation about our pursuit of Christ while stretching our very tight and sore muscles. From there we finished the night around a campfire making s'mores. Not quite the same as the states - the chocolate has peanuts and raisins in it and the crackers are your traditional graham cracker - but as I am writing this I can hear much laughter over Spanglish that's being spoken and three different communities of believers coming together for one common purpose - to see Christ glorified. It's awesome! Our students have fallen in love with this place. It has allowed for walls to be broken between our team members and between two nations.

With that we look forward to a later start tomorrow as we head to our home stays. It's going to be a interesting experience this time around as it will be both our team of 10 and the other team at Pico (a team of 29) headed to Chulo's small town of La Vega. Pray for our teams to continue to have patiences with one another. Pray for Chulo and his leaders that are hosting all these Americans, that patience and meaningful relationships can be formed. Pray for the unexpected and uncertain to bring a response of willingness rather than bitterness.

We are all really looking forward to our home stays and getting a chance to truly spend time with a bunh of Dominicans. With that, internet connectivity will be uncertain these next two days. It all hinges in whether the internet is working at Chulo's house. If it isn't working, we should have internet at the hotel in a couple days.

With that, continue to cover us in your prayers for health, safety, and most of all - for Gods spirit to be evident in our lives.


As always, check for pictures on

Monday, June 16, 2014

Dominican Republic 2014 - Day 3 and 4

We have a little catching up to do! Yesterday we were able to take a day of rest! So thankful for that time to allow our sore muscles and backs to take some time off and enjoy conversations with each other and the Dominicans. We started the day off by sleeping in - only and additional hour but when your mixing cement all day we will take what they allow. Then we took the morning to hike up to the near by waterfall - the same hike we took last year - and it was just as awesome! There's nothing like better to allow for some team bonding then wading thru a river, climbing up and down rocks, and encouraging one another along the way. All of which is summed up by a wonderful waterfall with some low cliff jumping into the deep pool below. Watching some of students encourage our teammate who is afraid of heights was awesome - Caroline, with the others encouraging and helping her, climbed up the short path and took the plunge. It was a great memory for Caroline and our team included. We finished the day by attending a local church that is in Spanish and English. An experience that many our team said they really enjoyed and where impacted by! Do remember to ask them about this - about the worship, the people in the congregation, the message, and the overall experience.

Today we started off another work day. The crazy twist to today was that some people had the option to hike up to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise - which meant a 3:30 wake up time! It was a extremely exhausting experience I'm told. Turned out to be a 4hr round trip hike for some. I'm told it was comparable to hiking the incline at it's hardest point...twice...and for 2hrs.  Yikes. Our learning curve for this next year is to plan it on a day that we don't have hard work to do - our team was exhausted by cookie break (10:00am) :). Lesson learned.  After our work day ended we headed to the much anticipated chicken man and ice cream run. Some other highlights of the day were getting to spend some time with Aldo and Raffa - two important people in the life of Vida Joven and two people that have made a few trips out to HSM on Sunday mornings. Finally we finished the night by learning a few cultural dances.

It truly has been a blessed two additional days. Our students each morning have been the ones leading our devotions and they have rocked. Seriously! Your kids are amazing! I'd encourage you to allow them to lead you in a devotional time some day. In addition to our devo time in the morning, we also close each day in a group discussion and debrief. It has been rich discussion focused on many topics centered around our pursuit of following Christ. Last nights discussion was on the call to produce fruit and what that looks like/why it's difficult. And I was yet again blown away at their honesty and ability to look into their lives at where fruit is or isn't happening. A time of reflection focused upon Gods work and our willingness is a powerful thing.

I know that I and Christy are both extremely blessed to be a part of these students journey. Thank you for that honor and trust. With that I must go - missing out on the dancing lessons. And looking ahead, just one more day of work before we get to so life with Chulo in La Vega during our home stay.


Again for pictures check or follow us

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dominican Republic - Day 2

Today is the end of work day number two in the DR. And it was another hard days work in the sun mixing and laying more concrete for the amphitheater. But our team did it with joy, while attempting to get to know the Dominican workers that are working alongside us. Names are being learned by both sides and thus much joking is taking place :). If you remember one of our worker friends from last year joba (sp?), his young daughter Lady loved spending time with our team, especially Bethany. Lady is again around camp helping translate, lift shovels of cement and loving our girls, and our girls are loving her right back.

Our team quit working early today to take a short visit to a local orphanage or Casa de Ninos. Unfortunately the director was not there, so we were unable to learn about the ministry happening there. But we had a great time playing baseball, soccer, and painting the nails of the young girls. Our team loved it. Now it is time for dinner. Tomorrow we get a break from working to hike up to a nearby waterfall. Should be yet another fantastic day. Oh, and our Spanish is getting better :).

Continue to pray for our health and safety. And for our teams confidence in attempting to speak Spanish - especially as we prepare for our home stay.

Until tomorrow,

P.S. Pictures again will be posted to Instagram of today's activities ::

Friday, June 13, 2014

Dominican Republic 2014 - Day 1

The first day of hard and hot work has been completed and the team is doing great! We mixed concrete for most of the day to build an amphitheater that will become their club meeting space at Pico (something that they don't currently have). It truly is a blessing to watch this team interact with Dominicans as they struggle thru speaking Spanish. In the end much laughing takes place and even in the midst of translation relational connections and jokes can be made. We are loving it. Tonight we are gathering together with the other team from the states for a time of worship followed by Wally's testimony. This place truly is a place of love and compassion. Continue to pray for our health and safety, especially for our backs - Cement work is HARD work. But most of all, continue to pray for real relationships to form founded on a mutual love for Christ! Again, you can find some pics at


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hola from Pico Escondido!

Our team has arrived safely at the Young Life camp Pico Escondido! Just a short van ride, a stop for hot dogs for lunch and we pulled through the gates of this wonderful place where many Dominicans have and will continue to meet Jesus for the first time. There is an awesome group of summer staffers from the states that are here with welcoming arms and helpful translators. Another large group from the states will be joining us tomorrow. We are so ready for this and excited to jump into the work that God is doing here. It's problematic to post pictures here due to internet connection - so you'll be able to find pics on our Instagram account.

That's all for now - we will catch you tomorrow deep in sweat and working hard!

DR Team Safe in Newark

The DR 2014 team has safely landed in NJ. Soon we will be boarded for our flight into the DR. We are looking forward to catching up with our Vida Joven (young life) hosts and driving to our new home for the next week, Pico Escondido. Excited to get on the ground!

Our team is talkative - even for 5am colorado time - and beginning to gel well together. This is going to be a great trip. Excited for God to be at work in us and through us!

Catch you in the DR!